
Thursday, March 11, 2010

Tour Virtual para Escritores Latinos Marzo - René Colato Laínez - Latino Virtual Book Tour March


En diciembre del año pasado, tuve el placer de presentarles a René Colato Laínez, un premiado autor salvadoreño y maestro bilingüe de la escuela primaria Fernangeles en California. El me concedió una entrevista y nos mostró algunos de sus bellísimos libros, puedes leer el artículo completo aquí, ¡no te lo puedes perder!

El día de hoy me alegra darle la bienvenida otra vez a Mamá Latina Tips. René hoy nos presenta uno de sus últimos libros, "Mis zapatos y yo" y estará visitando mi blog para contestar cualquier pregunta o comentario que deseen hacerle. René, además, generosamente ha ofrecido una copia de su libro a un afortunado ganador que será escogido al azar entre los que dejen comentarios (residentes de Los Estados Unidos) ¡anímense!

"Mis Zapatos y Yo" (ISBN-10: 1590783859) es un bello libro ilustrado por Fabricio Vanden Broeck, basado en la historia personal de René, lo puedes encontrar en tiendas en inglés. Esta es la sinopsis:

"Mario deja su casa en El Salvador. Son su papá a su lado, el va rumbo al norte para reunirse con su mamá en los Estados Unidos. Su mamá le ha mandado a Mario un nuevo par de zapatos y el está muy emocionado. Mario necesitará buenos zapatos porque su viaje será largo y difícil. El y su papá cruzarán tres países. Caminarán por millas, viajarán en autobuses, subirán montañas y atravesarán un río.

Mario le tiene mucha fe a sus zapatos y cree que ellos lo llevarán a cualquier parte deseada. En este día, el quiere irse a los Estados Unidos, donde su familia estará junta de nuevo." (Página web de René)

En esta ocasion le pedí a René si pudiera darnos algunos consejos acerca de lo que podemos hacer para que nuestros hijos se conviertan en grandes lectores y amablemente me dijo que ¡si! y aquí lo tienen:

"Cuando era niño, el lugar favorito de mi casa era una esquina donde estaba una mecedora. Me mecía de adelante hacia atrás mientras leía un libro. Enseguida la mecedora se convertía en una alfombra mágica y volaba por el cielo. Conocía nuevos amigos. Vivía nuevas aventuras. En muchas ocasiones, hasta llegaba a tocar las estrellas. Los libros que leía, me podían llevar a cualquier parte del universo.

¡Los libros me inspiraban tanto! Yo también quería escribir sobre ese mundo maravilloso que visitaba. Así que comencé a escribir mis cuentos, poemas y aventuras en un diario. Cada vez que releía y volvía a escribir un cuento, éste se llenaba de nuevas y grandes aventuras. Hoy en día escribo libros para niños y es un honor compartirlos con muchos niños alrededor del mundo.

Los invito a viajar conmigo. Tomen un libro y descubrirán maravillas. Los libros están llenos de aventuras, amigos, y lugares hermosos. Lean y toquen las estrellas.

Seis consejos para que los niños se conviertan en grandes lectores.

  1. Lea y disfrute su lectura en frente de sus niños. De esta manera, sus niños también querrán tomar un libro y sentarse junto a ustedes.
  2. Léale a sus hijos todas las noches antes de dormir.
  3. Platique con sus hijos sobre la parte que mas les gustó del cuento y su personaje favorito.
  4. Visiten la biblioteca y ayude a escoger los libros con sus hijos.
  5. Hagan proyectos usando los libros. Pueden hacer cartelones, títeres, dioramas (maquetas).
  6. Escriban e ilustren sus propios libros familiares. Así sus hijos se sentirán todo unos escritores.Compartan los libros con toda la familia
Los libros estan llenos de aventuras! Solamente abran un libro y podran volar, sonar y tocar las estrellas."

Gracias René por tus palabras y gracias por presentarnos "Mis Zapatos y Yo" seguro que será otra de las historias favoritas de esta casa, tal como lo es "René Tiene Dos Apellidos."

Finalmente, al final de este artículo, podrás ver la lista de los blogs participantes en el tour, todos tienen cosas diferentes y muy interesantes sobre René, ¡qué los disfrutes!


In December of last year, I had the pleasure of introducing you to René Colato Laínez, a Salvadorian, award winning author and a bilingual teacher at Fernangeles Elementary School in California. He gave me an interview and showed us some of his beautiful books, you can read it all in here, you don't want to miss it!

Today I'm happy to welcome René to Mama Latina Tips for a second time. René is presenting one of his newest books, "My Shoes and I," and he will be visiting my blog today to answer your questions. So please feel free to write him a comment or ask him a question, and when you do, you will automatically be entered in a giveaway for one copy of Rene's book. One lucky winner (US resident) will be randomly chosen, so start commenting!

"My Shoes and I" (ISBN-10: 1590783859) is a beautiful book based on the personal history of René and illustrated by Fabricio Vanden Broeck. It is available in English. Here is the synopsis:

"Mario is leaving his home in El Salvador. With his father by his side, he is going north to join his mother, who lives in the United States. She has sent Mario a new pair of shoes, and he is thrilled. He will need good shoes because the trip will be long and hard. He and his father will cross the borders of three countries. They will walk for miles, ride buses, climb mountains and wade a river.

Mario has faith in his shoes. He believes they will take him anywhere. On this day, he wants to go to the United States, where his family will be reunited".

(René's webpage)

For this occasion I asked René if he would like to share with us some tips on helping our children to become readers and this is what he said:

"When I was a child, my favorite place in the house was a corner where I always found a rocking chair. I rocked myself back and forth while I read a book. Soon the rocking chair became a magic flying carpet that took me to many different places. I met new friends. I lived great adventures. In many occasions, I was able to touch the stars. All the books I read transported me to the entire universe.

Books inspired me! I also wanted to write about the wonderful world that I visited in my readings. I started to write my own stories, poems and adventures in my diary. Every time I read and revised my stories, I found new adventures to tell about. Now, I write children’s books and it is an honor to share my books with children around the world.

I invite you to travel with me. Take a book and you will find wonders. Books are full of adventures, friends and fantastic places. Read and reach for the stars.

My six tips to help our children to become better readers:
  1. Read and enjoy your books in front of your children. In this way, your children will want to read a book and sit next to you.
  2. Read a book to your children every night before going to bed.
  3. Talk with your children about their favorite part of the book or about their favorite character.
  4. Visit the library and help your children to select books.
  5. Create art projects about the books. You can do posters, puppets and dioramas.
  6. Write and illustrate your own family books. In this way, your children will feel like authors. Share these books with family members.
Books are full of adventures! Just open a book and you can fly, dream and reach for the stars".

Thank you René for your words and for showing us "My Shoes and I." I'm sure my kids will enjoy it as much as they did "Rene has Two Last Names."

Finally here is the list of the blog participants on this tour, they all have different and very interesting posts about René, enjoy!

09 Lori Calabrese - Examiner / Personal Blog


  1. Hola Silva,

    Muchas gracias. I will be visiting and answering
    questions today.

    Dejen sus comentarios.

  2. We fell in love with "René has two last names" here at home. My son's favorite part is when they have Pupusas for dinner!

    René, love your work! I have only read one of your stories but feel connected to your books. Almost like they are telling my story.

    Can you tell me a little bit about your thoughts on Bilingual Education and any tips on getting school age children to embrace the language?

  3. Welcome Rene, it's a pleasure to have you back!

  4. Silvia, thanks for hosting and Rene I appreciate you keep writing for our bicultural kids. What age group you would recommend My shoes and I to?

  5. I completely agree that books can take you anywhere. My chiquitos love reading en Espanol and in English. You can find them sitting in a corner, on the bed, under a chair- reading (or pretend reading) and I love watching them. I also love to read to them and see the excitement in their faces when I tell them to pick a book for me to read.

    Rene, I can't wait to add your new book to our home library.

    Silvia, thank you for hosting!

  6. Rene,
    Your advice to young readers is spot on. I think that any family that follows that advice will have children who enjoy books and realize the power in books.

    Your story is very heartfelt...and will make a great addition to any library...



  7. Any books with pupusas in it is a book that belongs in my house! Thanks for sharing this

  8. Hola Marcela,

    I teach in a bilingual education school. The best advice on getting children to embrace the language is through music, poems and stories in Spanish and English. My book Playing Loteria is about a boy who does not want to speak Spanish but by playing Loteria, he discovers the beauty of the Spanish language.

  9. Hola Yoly,

    My Shoes and I read aloud ages are from 4 to 10 years old. The independent reading age is second grade and up.

  10. Just wanted to thank you for the copy I won. We recently received it and it quickly has become on of our favorite books to read. Thank you both Rene and Silvia for the opportunity.
