
Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Mr. Rogers


Yo crecí viendo Chabelo, El Chavo del Ocho, el Tío Gamboín y Topo Gigio, si tú eres de México, seguro conoces a todos ellos. Cada Domingo a las 7:30 de la mañana saltaba a la cama de mis papás para ver "En Familia con Chabelo", cada noche tomaba mi lechita mientras disfrutaba Topo Gigio, ¡qué tiempos aquellos!

Ahora que vivo en los EU he ido conociendo algunos de los programas que la generación de mi esposo disfrutó cuando eran peques, un favorito fue "Mr. Rogers' Neighborhood" ("El Barrio del Sr. Rogers") Hace un par de años una de mis amigas le regaló un DVD de Mr. Rogers a mi hijo mayor ¡a mis hijos y a mi nos encanta!

Mr. Rogers nos dejó hace algunos años, pero me he enterado que videos de su programa todavía viven en la página web de PBS kids, estoy segura que a él le daría mucho gusto saberlo, puedes verlos aquí


I grew up with "Chabelo", "El Chavo del Ocho", "Tio Gamboin" y "Topo Gigio", if you are from Mexico, you know what I'm talking about. Every Sunday at 7:30 I climbed onto my parents' bed to watch "En Familia con Chabelo" or drank my milk every night while watching Topo Gigio, loved it.

Now that I'm living in the USA I've gotten to know about the great children's programs my husband's generation enjoyed when they were kids, one favorite was "Mr. Rogers' Neighborhood." A couple of years ago a friend of mine gave my son a Mr. Rogers DVD and my kids still enjoy watching it.

Mr. Rogers passed away a few years ago, but I've read that his beloved program still lives on at the PBS kids webpage, which I'm sure he would be pleased to know! I'm so happy, too, go check it out


  1. We love Mr. Rogers! My husband actually came out on one of his tv shows when he was a kid. We have pictures of him on the set and during filming! Kind of fun!

  2. I loved his calm, quiet way and it is still one of my favorite shows!

  3. I watched it when I was young and so have my children. I loved him and was sad when he passed. Yes, he was a calm soul.

  4. I love Mr Rodgers!! I did watch his show when I was a kid cause I lived here and I still remember it, LOVE IT!

  5. Yo tambien creci con Chabelo, igual los domingos era el unico dia q no me pesaba levantarme a las 7:am para ver En Familia...y mis papas enojados x q no los dejabamos dormir jajaja.
    Y Mr. Rogers le gustaba a mi hijo el mayor y a mi el tema de entrada!
