
Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Fajitas de pollo con salsa de chabacano Fresh & Easy/Apricot Chicken Tenders F&E

Hoy quiero compartir con ustedes una receta muy facil y rápida que aprendí en el evento de Fresh & Easy al que asistí en LA hace unas semanas.

Fajitas de Pollo con salsa de Chabacano

1 paquete de fajitas de pollo F&E (aprox 12)
1 frasco de Mermelada de chabacano F&E
1 frasco de mostaza dulce F&E
1 frasco de mostaza Dijon de semilla integral
1 paquete de pan molido Progresso

Precalienta el horno a 350 grados F (aprox 176 grados C)

Pon la mitad de la mermelada en un tazón. Añade una cucharada sopera de mostaza dulce y una cucharada cafetera de mostaza dijon, revuelve y prueba, añade mas mostazas a tu gusto hasta que la salsa sepa dulce con un ligero sabor picante. Toma 2/3 partes de la salsa y resérvala para el final. Abre el paquete de fajitas de pollo y agrégalas en el primer tazoón con la salsa hasta que se cubran todas con ella. Después empanízalas y colócalas en una charola para hornear. Hornea las fajitas hasta que tengan una temperatura interna de 165 grados F (aprox 74 C) y tengan un tono dorado, aproximadamente 12-14 minutos. Sirve con la salsa de chabacano que separaste.

Nota: hice la traducción de la receta original que F&E me dio en el evento. Sólo quiero comentar que cuando yo las hice en casa combiné mitad de pan molido con mitad de corn flakes despedazados y agregué un poco de sal. También compré arroz Arborio de F&E e hice un risotto para complementar el platillo, a mi familia le encantó!

Today I would like to share with you a very easy and fast recipe I learn at the Fresh & Easy event in LA a few weeks ago.

Apricot Chicken Tenders

1 Pack F&E Chicken Tenders (around 12)
1 Jar F&E Apricot Preserves
1 Jar F&E Sweet Hot Mustard
1 Bottle F&E Whole Grain Dijon Mustard
1 Pack Progresso Breadcrumbs

Preheat oven to 350 F

Place 1/2 jar of apricot preserves into a medium mixing bowl. Going by taste, add 1 tablespoon of sweet hot mustard and 1 teaspoon of whole grain dijon mustard at a time, stirring and tasting between each addition. Sauce should be sweet with a hint of spicy mustard in the flavor.

Place 2/3 of the sauce into a serving ramekin for later. Leave 1/3 in mixing bowl. Open pack of chicken tenders and place into serving bowl with remaining sauce. Toss to coat tenders with sauce. Once coated, move tenders to bowl of bread crumbs to cover. Move tenders to a sheet pan and place into oven to bake. Cook tenders until they reach 165 F internal temperature and outside is golden brown, aprox 12-14 minutes. Serve with a side dish and the apricot mustard sauce.

Note: I didn't want to change anything on the recipe above, which was provided to me by F&E. But I have to say that I mixed half the breadcrumbs with half corn flakes and I added a little bit of salt to them and the tenders where delicious. Also, I got some Arborio Rice from F&E and made some risotto to complement the dish. My family loved it!


  1. this chicken looks like a perfect meal for the kids! I will definitely try it!

  2. Marcela, this is perfect for the kids! you will love it!

  3. Nos divertimos tanto esa noche!
    This recipe has become part of my monthly repertoire...both husband and daughter loved it!
    I did adapt it a bit by using Panko flakes instead of the breadcrumbs and I feel it makes it crunchier and jucier.
    Love my Fresh n Easy! :)
